The Fountain Tarot Review

The Fountain Tarot Deck: Cards, guide and box
The Fountain Tarot is a modern tarot deck created by Jonathan Saiz (painter), Jason Gruhl (author), and Andi Todaro (designer). It’s one of my favorite modern decks (maybe my favorite tarot deck after U.S. Games’s centennial Rider-Waite-Smith). It’s light and airy with beautiful oil paintings by Saiz. Visually, The layers of oil paint give cards an atmospheric quality. it reminds me of early morning in the city: calm, breezy, and a little hazy. Many of the models in the deck are based on the creators’ fellow artists, friends, and family. Although grounded in the modern, the energy of this deck feels timeless.

Fountain Tarot: Major Arcana Cards
The Fountain Tarot is a quiet and meditative deck. For me, it connects easily with the emotional truths of a situation. If I had to give this deck a primary elemental theme, I’d say Air. Readings using it feel like getting advice from an objective friend who knows you well. It nails the truth of a situation, but delivers it a logical, gentle, and slightly detached manner.

Fountain Tarot: Minor Arcana Cards
The suits are traditional. Same goes for the hierarchy of the court cards. The meanings and mood of the cards are conveyed mood with lighting, motion, and form. Case in point, the Knight of Wands’s sly smile, street fashion, and pose. A night with him would most likely bring you plenty of fun, excitement and mischief!

Fountain Tarot: Court Cards
This deck draws on traditional interpretations and elements of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot. This would be a great deck for beginners who want something more intuitive, modern, and gives them space for their own insights.
(Affiliate Link) Buy the Fountain Tarot on Amazon Now:
The Fountain Tarot at a Glance
Creators: Jonathan Saiz (painter), Jason Gruhl (author), and Andi Todaro (designer)
Reviewed Edition: Kickstarter First Edition 2015
Number of cards: 79 (Traditional 78 plus bonus card)
Major Arcana: 22 + The Fountain numbered as an infinity/lemniscate symbol
Minor Arcana: 56
Cardstock: Standard/thick, silver-edged, matte finish.
Card Size: 2.75” x 4.75”
Guidebook: 110 pages, b&w
Box: Book-style box with magnetic closure
Tarot Traditions and Systems: Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS)
Major Arcana Names:
(0) The Fool, (1) The Magician, (2) The High Priestess, (3) The Empress, (4) The Emperor, (5) The Hierophant, (6) The Lovers, (7) The Chariot, (8) Strength, (9) The Hermit, (10) Wheel of Fortune, (11) Justice, (12) The Hanged Man, (13) Death, (14) Temperance, (15) The Devil, (16) The Tower, (17) The Star, (18) The Moon, (19) The Sun, (20) Judgment, (21) The World
Bonus cards: The Fountain numbered as an infinity/lemniscate symbol
Minor Arcana Type: illustrative, RWS style.
Minor Arcana Suites:
Court Cards:
Card Backs:
Some of My Favorite Cards:
(Affiliate Link) Buy the Fountain Tarot on Amazon Now:
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